IISAGE Awards & Grants

Through our award and grant programs, IISAGE supports trainees at all stages of their careers in identifying mechanisms that underlie sex-specific aging. Award recipients not only receive well-deserved recognition but also gain access to scientific resources, funding, and networking opportunities that can propel their research careers to new heights. To support researchers within our initiative, we offer the following awards and grants:

Interlab Travel Fellowship

During the fall and spring academic semesters, IISAGE postdoctoral fellows and graduate trainees can apply for this fellowship, which will support their travel to any of our 11 participating labs to learn a new skill not available at their home institution.


If students are ineligible for internship funding from their home institution or NSF, IISAGE can provide additional funding for their salaries. However, students are encouraged to apply for internships that provide funding before requesting additional support through IISAGE.


This program allows trainees to follow up on exciting findings from the IISAGE data collected and to test new hypotheses by either collecting data from additional species or by carrying out additional manipulations in laboratory models.