IISAGE offers various training programs to provide trainees with experience in convergent, interdisciplinary research. These programs provide a foundation for individuals both inside and outside of the IISAGE community to expand their scientific knowledge. Our training programs are available to trainees at various career stages: undergraduate, graduate, post-baccalaureate, and post-doctoral. IISAGE members are committed to multidisciplinary training, and trainees are an integral part of our initiative.
Integrated with its research activities, IISAGE provides trainees with interdisciplinary training in genomics, molecular biology, evolutionary biology and Machine Learning (ML). Additionally, IISAGE offers training in professional skills such as communication, leadership, and teamwork.
Our vision is for all IISAGE members to have fulfilling careers, with the cross-disciplinary scientific and professional training allowing IISAGE trainees to succeed in academia, industry, government, non-profits, and more.

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program
Each summer, IISAGE hosts undergraduate students for paid internships in a coordinated program spanning each IISAGE institution. The purpose of this summer research experience is to provide in-depth research training and career development skills to undergraduate students who are interested in becoming professional researchers. Research projects range from computational studies, to molecular and physiological studies in the lab, to fieldwork on wild populations.

Interlab Travel Fellowship Program
We award short-term travel fellowships for cross-disciplinary training to postdoctoral fellows and/or graduate students within our 11 participating laboratories. This travel program is available to IISAGE members only, and provides them with the opportunity to learn a new method not currently available in their home lab.
Leadership & Professional Development Academy
Our annual IISAGE Leadership & Professional Development Academy works in collaboration with the Professional Education department in the UAB Collat School of Business to provide a cohesive and comprehensive program that offers development opportunities for undergraduate students, graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, and faculty!